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January 10, 2007

Gate 88 - a Queasy Game

Here's a sweet little shareware game I found.

It is a cross between Asteroids (Armada), Warcraft and Rez.

No really! You fly a ship around and use it to build bases/turrets/etc. that can be used to build automated fighters. Unlike a regular RTS, you can fight on your own. The whole thing is presented with a Tron/Rez like look to it. The music is excellent (in OGG format so you can play it on your MP3 player too) and it is super fun. Oh yeah, it has online multiplayer too. :D

The developers describe it in the following manner:
A childhood daydream of deep space intergalactic battle inspired by Herzog Zwei, Star Control, Subspace, Homeworld, and Parsec47.
I'm going to work on a GlovePIE script so you can play the whole thing using a wireless Wii remote.

Here's a link to the Windows download...



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